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Thursday, February 13, 2025

General News

The European Assault on Hedge Funds
Apr 25/07
If hedge funds want to avoid heavy-handed European regulation, they must tell Europeans what they do and why they deserve to operate with freedom. In a speech to NYU Law School on April 11, Federal Rese...Read more

Hedge funds lead European leveraged lending
Apr 25/07
American hedge funds and other non-bank credit investment groups now hold just over 50 per cent of all lending to risky European companies - pushing banks into a minority role in this sector for the first time.This marks a dram...Read more

Suddenly, Hedge Fund Fees Seem High
Apr 25/07
After the average hedge fund failed to keep pace with the S&P 500 in 2006, big investors like CalPERS are starting to complain about fees The top-performing hedge funds and private equity firms have generated an...Read more

Wealthy say no better at finding top hedge funds
Apr 25/07
BOSTON (Reuters) - Wealthy investors say they are no better than anyone else at finding the world's best hedge funds, loosely regulated portfolios that can enrich the people who run them and those who invest in them. ...Read more

More Disclosure Coming Soon for Hedge Funds
Apr 24/07
Given all the attention that hedge funds have received lately it should be no surprise that some action is about to be taken. A report crafted recently by central bankers and finance ministers from seven leading industrial nati...Read more

U.S. approach to hedge funds falls short, Germany says
Apr 24/07
BERLIN: Finance Minister Peer Steinbrück of Germany said that the U.S. policy of providing guidelines to hedge funds was "not enough" as he sought European support to subject the funds to a code of conduct. Germany ...Read more

Danish hedge fund manager: Pension fund investments harm hedge fund return potential
Apr 24/07
Several Danish pension funds have started to invest in hedge funds. But the large amounts which the funds wish to invest are most often much too big, and ultimately, they may harm hedge fund returns. This is the opinion of Casp...Read more

`It's Good to Be King' for Blackstone, Fortress
Apr 24/07
April 24 (Bloomberg) -- Decked out as Louis XVI in the comedy ``History of the World: Part I,'' Mel Brooks advised us ``It's good to be king.'' The shameless monarch didn't know the half of it: they hadn't invented hedge ...Read more

Hedge fund heyday – bigger is better
Apr 24/07
Thinking about starting a hedge fund? OAS_RICH("Middle"); <!-- var TFSMFlash_VERSION=6; var TFSMFlash_WMODE="opaque"; var TFSMFlash_OASCLICK="http://oas-central.realmedia.com/...Read more

How computers read the markets
Apr 23/07
Machines crunch news and numbers to place bets. But the info must be in their language. To most humans, the following text makes little sense: "Symbol ticker = 'MAN' country = 'US' cusip = '56418H...Read more

Law closes in on hedge funds
Apr 22/07
The US industry is courting politicians with donations to ward off stricter regulation, writes Dominic Rushe from New York RUDY GIULIANI has Paul Singer, founder of Elliott Partners. Hillary Clinton has Lisa Perry, wif...Read more

They can’t all be masters
Apr 22/07
These days the bigger the hedge fund, the better“THE New Masters of the Universe” was the cover splash chosen by Portfolio, a business magazine that launched last week, to highlight a feature about hedge funds by Tom Wolfe. Th...Read more

Germany Pushes Hedge-Fund Code, Challenges U.S. Plan (Update1)
Apr 21/07
April 21 (Bloomberg) -- German Finance Minister Peer Steinbrueck said the U.S. policy of providing guidelines to hedge funds is ``not enough'' as he sought European support for them to be subjected to a code of conduct. ...Read more

Getting Out of Hedge Funds
Apr 21/07
WHEN it comes to hedge funds, do the extremely rich know more than the rest of us? While institutions are increasing their holdings in hedge funds — and some of the largest hedge funds are planning to sell shares to an eage...Read more

NBCN presents its new off-shore managed account platform offering for investment managers
Apr 20/07
Montreal, April 19, 2007 – NBCN Prime Brokerage Services, a specialized alternative investment administration service from National Bank Financial, and Innocap Investment Management Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Nationa...Read more

Big Hedge Funds Get Bigger, Leaving Less for Small Rivals
Apr 20/07
The largest and best-known hedge funds are elbowing out their smaller and newer rivals for the cash pouring into the business. The change is making it harder for smaller funds to attract deep-pocketed investors and is reducing ...Read more

Aussie funds eye new strategies
Apr 20/07
Cash-rich Australian mutual funds are exploring a broader range of strategies, and hedge funds are eyeing overseas markets, driving growth in the country's increasingly competitive prime brokerage market.Australia's mandatory...Read more

Beware Of Hedge Funds Bearing Small Caps
Apr 20/07
The attraction of small caps to hedge funds may be cause for worry, according Reuters. "If the stock market plummets and [hedge funds] want to get out, [investors] could get hosed," Tabb Group senior analyst Adam Sussman...Read more

Diversification Top Hedge Fund Goal
Apr 20/07
More than four out of 10 institutional investors say diversification is their primary reason for putting money in hedge funds, according to a survey by SEI Investments Co. The Oaks, Pa.-based firm found 43% sought to spread exp...Read more

Hedge Funds Face Call to Detail Risks, Draft Report Shows
Apr 20/07
April 20 (Bloomberg) -- Hedge funds will be urged to disclose more information about their strategies and the risks they involve, according to a report commissioned by central bankers and finance ministers from the Group ...Read more

Hedge funds, banks need risk standards: Fed official
Apr 19/07
NEW YORK, April 18 (Reuters) - A senior U.S. Federal Reserve official said on Wednesday that hedge funds, their lenders, and investors have "considerable work" to do to adopt consistent standards for managing ri...Read more

Hedge Funds Raised $60 Billion Last Quarter, a Record (Update4)
Apr 19/07
April 19 (Bloomberg) -- Hedge funds globally attracted $60 billion in new money in the first quarter, almost half what they raised all of last year, as institutions shrugged off the industry's subpar investment gains. ...Read more

CSX Says TCI Fund May Buy $500 Million of Its Stock (Update5)
Apr 18/07
April 18 (Bloomberg) -- CSX Corp., the third-largest U.S. railroad, said U.K. hedge fund TCI Fund Management LLP holds a ``significant'' stake in the company and filed to buy more than $500 million of its stock. The share...Read more

One-Two Punch May Knock Out Hedge Fund Threat
Apr 17/07
German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s plan for promoting closer trans-Atlantic trade ties has gotten Rep. Barney Frank to thinking of a possible way to defang hedge fund’s threat to take their business elsewhere if the regulatory go...Read more

G7 looks at global code of conduct for hedge funds
Apr 17/07
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Group of Seven leaders, increasingly wary of the growing financial clout of hedge funds, will probably push for a global code of conduct for the industry, Germany's central bank president said on Sund...Read more

Zurich's tax lure for hedge funds
Apr 17/07
Switzerland is mulling over plans for a special 10pc tax rate for hedge fund managers in a radical move to lure the booming industry away from London. Hans-Rudolf Merz, the finance minister, has held a series of meetings ...Read more

London sees rise in hedge funds
Apr 17/07
London has doubled its share of global hedge fund assets over the past four years, according to the findings of a survey by International Financial Services London.The industry association report says that between 2002 and 2006...Read more

Moody's to rate hedge fund debt
Apr 17/07
Moody's, the ratings agency, has developed a methodology for rating the unsecured debt of hedge funds in preparation for a predicted rush to the public debt markets by alternative investment firms.The move comes after Citadel ...Read more

Big funds' tastes fuel Wall St hedge fund buys
Apr 13/07
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Institutional investors' preferences to work with the big investment banks they have long known is one reason Wall Street titans are snapping up the loosely regulated portfolios, a hedge fund manager said. ...Read more

AIMA Launches New Due Diligence Questionnaires
Apr 13/07
The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA), a global hedge fund and alternative investment industry association has produced a new set of illustrative due diligence questionnaires (DDQs) for use by those investing...Read more

Regulation – Hedge fund hawks fight back
Apr 13/07
In March it appeared that hedge funds and private equity firms were going to escape tight regulations and that both sides of the Atlantic would go with looser, principles-based regulatory regimes for this professional market, (...Read more

Hedge fund valuations ‘problematic’ say investors
Apr 13/07
Nearly two thirds (64 per cent) of institutional investors say that accurately valuing their hedge fund holdings is problematic, according to a new report issued by State Street. Of those who expressed concerns about the pr...Read more

G7 to discuss hedge fund risk report
Apr 13/07
WASHINGTON, April 12 (Reuters) - G7 officials say a draft version of a report on potential risks posed by hedge funds will be discussed at a gathering of rich industrial countries in Washington this week. Finance official...Read more

Hedge funds worry emerging market regulators
Apr 13/07
At the 32nd annual meeting of the International Organization of Securities Commissions in Mumbai, one constant theme is hedge funds regulations. Emerging market regulators are worried that hedge funds may once again exit sudde...Read more

RBC Hedge 250 Index posts 0.87% return in March
Apr 13/07
RBC Capital Markets reports that its hedge fund index, the RBC Hedge 250 Index, had a net return of 0.87% in March. This gain brings the year-to-date return of the Index to 2.86%. These returns are estimated and will be finalize...Read more

New Products and Strategies Shake Up Traditional Asset Allocations
Apr 12/07
US pension funds and endowments continue to shift assets out of domestic stock investments and into hedge funds, private equity and international equities, according to new research from Greenwich Associates. Private equity in...Read more

Morgan Stanley on the hunt for hedge fund acquisitions
Apr 12/07
Morgan Stanley is to continue to pursue acquisitions of alternative asset managers building on five hedge fund investments in the same number of months. David Sidwell, chief financial officer of Morgan Stanl...Read more

Exchange-Traded Equity Derivatives Set to Skyrocket as Absolute-Return Strategies
Apr 11/07
The world of investment management is changing with absolute-return strategies, portable alpha, hedge funds and yield enhancement an integral part of the everyday life of traditional portfolio management. According to TABB G...Read more

Hedge Funds Advance +1.01% in March
Apr 11/07
Hennessee Group LLC, an adviser to hedge fund investors, yesterday announced that the Hennessee Hedge Fund Index advanced +1.01% in March (+3.34% YTD), while the S&P 500 rose +1.00% (+0.19% YTD), the Dow Jones Industrial...Read more

Hedge funds to meet G7 on openness
Apr 11/07
It is not clear who is on the guest list, but representatives of leading hedge funds are to meet deputy finance ministers from the G7 countries on the margins of this weekend’s spring meetings of the IMF and World Bank, to discu...Read more

Hedge funds may see regulation revived: investor
Apr 11/07
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Just as hedge funds think they have escaped the tightening of loose current regulation, one large investor expects them to face fresh regulatory pressure after the Bush administration leaves office. &qu...Read more

Paladyne forms alliance with Microsoft to service hedge funds
Apr 11/07
Paladyne Systems, LLC has formed an alliance with Microsoft Corp. to service the hedge fund industry with the Paladyne product line powered by the Microsoft software development platform. As a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Pa...Read more

Sextant’s Exotic Metals Hedge Fund Continues Winning Streak
Apr 09/07
Sextant Capital’s Sextant Strategic Opportunities Hedge Fund is continuing its strong performance, with the portfolio manager crediting the fund’s returns to plays in the molybdenum market. The exotic metals fund, which returne...Read more

Hedge Funds Up Almost 1% In March
Apr 09/07
Hedge funds went back to their trailing-the-broader-markets way in March, but that will be cold comfort to anyone whose investments track the Standard & Poor’s 500. The Greenwich Global Hedge Fund Index rose 0.98% in March...Read more

Illinois Enters Hedge Funds Through Side Doors
Apr 08/07
The $39 billion Teacher’s Retirement System of Illinois is making its first foray into the hedge fund space via multi-strategy funds of funds, and anticipates approving one or more finalists during its meetings in May, accordin...Read more

Bundesbank hails hedge funds as 'blessing' for financial markets
Apr 08/07
Frankfurt - Hedge funds, highly speculative investment funds that are currently under fire for their aggressive investment practices, are a "blessing" and a stabilising factor on the world's financial markets, Bundesb...Read more

EU mutual funds seek to emulate hedge funds
Apr 08/07
BRUSSELS: European mutual funds may be able to give ordinary investors a taste of hedge fund returns, if their managers convince regulators to let them buy derivatives of hedge fund indexes. Indexes linked to hedge funds' pe...Read more

Equity L/S, Distressed Securities Pace Dow Benchmarks In March
Apr 08/07
All six hedge fund strategies tracked by the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks posted positive returns in March, but most trailed the broader markets, which rebounded from late February’s correction. Equity long/short w...Read more

Navigating the Hedge Fund Maze in a Leveraged World
Apr 08/07
I WAS there when Long-Term Capital Management blew up, and I was there when Amaranth blew up. And I can tell you this: Amaranth turned out to be no Long-Term Capital Management.” Those words, from Jeffrey L. Matthews, a g...Read more

What Institutions Really Want From Hedge Funds and Funds of Funds
Apr 08/07
Institutional assets have been flowing into the hedge fund community for the past several years, having vast repercussions for all participants. The general expectation is that these flows will continue and increase. Looking...Read more

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