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General News

Hedge funds are stuck
Mar 19/08
TransAlta is one of a growing list of Canadian companies that feature activist shareholders that took positions in a different era, and now face a world of pain as they contemplate heading for the exits.A number of hedge funds, aw...Read more

Hedge Fund Services Become Banks Lifeline
Mar 19/08
NEW YORK (HedgeWorld.com)—The stock market cheered loudly on Tuesday [March 18] after Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Lehman Brothers reported substantial drops in earnings. Shares skyrocketed because analysts had expected even worse...Read more

Endeavour Capital Falls About 28% on Japanese Bond
Mar 19/08
March 19 (Bloomberg) -- Endeavour Capital LLP, the London- based hedge-fund firm founded by former Salomon Smith Barney Inc. traders, has fallen about 28 percent this month because of ``extreme volatility and vast moves'' in Japan...Read more

Bear Acquisition Brings JPMorgan a Prime Broker for Hedge Funds
Mar 18/08
Michael Corcelli, manager of Miami- based Alexander Alternative Capital LP, was preparing last week to switch his hedge fund's brokerage account from floundering Bear Stearns Cos. With the announcement over the weekend that New Yo...Read more

Are Hedge Funds Behind Bear Stearn’s Demise?
Mar 18/08
The fire sale of Bear Stearns to JPMorgan Chase for $2 a share or $236 million has shocked the financial markets into realizing how fast a major securities firm could fall in a credit crisis. The takeover was swiftly negotiated wi...Read more

It could be the hedgies that ride to the rescue
Mar 18/08
Sixty funds are said to be prepping for bargain hunting that might restore liquidity to the banks and the mortgage-backed securities market.A London hedge fund's offer last week to inject more capital into troubled mortgage lender...Read more

Bank-to-bank lending freezes; bankers ask, who is next?
Mar 18/08
LONDON (Reuters) - Financial trading and interbank lending almost ground to a halt on Monday as banks grew fearful of dealing with each other following Friday's near collapse of U.S. investment firm Bear Stearns, prompting talk of...Read more

When the phones stop ringing, you're out of business
Mar 18/08
Shortly before markets closed on Friday, traders at Bear Stearns Cos. Inc.'s New York headquarters did something that had never happened in the Wall Street firm's 85-year history: They left.Hundreds drifted away from their trading...Read more

Hedge funds keep safe distance
Mar 17/08
Several high-profile hedge funds have moved to sever ties with Bear Stearns since Friday's rescue, inflicting further damage on its once market-leading and lucrative prime brokerage business.Prime brokerage involves providing trad...Read more

JPMorgan Agrees to Buy Bear Stearns for $240 Million
Mar 17/08
(Bloomberg) -- JPMorgan Chase & Co. agreed to buy Bear Stearns Cos. for $240 million, about 90 percent less than its value last week, after a run on the company ended 85 years of independence for Wall Street's fifth-largest se...Read more

It will take a good scam to rein in hedge funds
Mar 17/08
 MUMBAI: They strike you as the archetypal “good cop, bad cop” combine. Former Congressmen Paul Sarbanes and Michael Oxley, co-authors of the famous (or dreaded, if you were to believe listed US firms) Sarbanes-Oxley Act, feel the...Read more

Hedge funds fleeing Bear's prime broker business
Mar 17/08
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Even the backing of the New York Federal Reserve and JPMorgan Chase can't keep hedge funds from fleeing Bear Stearns' once-vaunted brokerage division.Some hedge funds that have regularly traded with Bear over ...Read more

Dow Jones makes Toronto début and adds three metal sub indexes
Mar 17/08
The Dow Jones-AIG Grains Sub-Index has been licensed to Horizons BetaPro Funds to underlie two leveraged commodity exchange-traded funds DJ-AIG Agricultural Grains Bull Plus ETF (exchange-traded funds) and Horizons BetaPro DJ-AIG ...Read more

Hedge Fund Closures in 2007 Total $18.6 Billion, According to Absolute Return
Mar 16/08
Please read the press release here. ...Read more

Paulson urges banks to raise fresh capital
Mar 14/08
Hank Paulson called on financial institutions to raise more capital and reduce dividends in order to strengthen their balance sheets as he set out the US government's regulatory response to the credit crisis yesterday.The US Treas...Read more

ING blames global credit crunch for suspension of New Zealand funds
Mar 14/08
ING New Zealand has given notice to investors in the ING Diversified Yield Fund and the ING Regular Income Fund that all further withdrawals have been suspended because of the current economic conditions affecting financial market...Read more

Death of the hedge fund?
Mar 14/08
Big banks are getting tough with the lucrative hedge fund sector at a difficult time for the industry.In the giant casino that is the world's financial markets, hedge funds are some of the ballsiest gamblers, raising vast amounts ...Read more

Reforming Registration Reform: Information for Portfolio Managers and Investment Fund Managers
Mar 14/08
Earlier this month, we issued a Public Markets Bulletin to advise clients about the publication of a revised draft (the "Revised Draft Instrument") of National Instrument 31-103 (the "Instrument") and to provid...Read more

Boutiques lead winners at 2007 InvestHedge Awards
Mar 14/08
More than 400 of the leading players in the global fundPress Release: Boutiques lead winners at 2007 InvestHedge Awards14 March 2008Page 2 of 4Once again emerging managers returned more than the Global Multi-Strategy Composite,pro...Read more

Hedge funds now feeling the pain from The Great Unwind
Mar 14/08
The Great Unwind continues to rip through the financial world like my snow blower through the drifts in my driveway last weekend and the hedge fund world is the latest place where the damage is piling up.When I was in B-school, on...Read more

Norbourg CEO denied fraud appeal
Mar 13/08
A judge ejected Lacroix’s motion for appeal in a short hearing Tuesday at Quebec Superior Court in Montreal.The founder and former president of Norbourg Investments was found guilty in December of defrauding more than 9,000 invest...Read more

Hedge funds place bets, small investor takes fall
Mar 13/08
And the beating goes on.The global credit crisis that began last summer, triggered by a collapse in the U.S. market for subprime or "junk" residential mortgages, has since Feb. 15 forced hedge funds with assets of more t...Read more

Hedge funds complain about lenders getting stingy
Mar 12/08
BOSTON, March 11 (Reuters) - U.S. hedge fund managers Ron Beller and Geoffrey Grant whose two funds recently collapsed blamed bankers for some of their troubles.Lenders, who once helped the pair finance new investments, now wanted...Read more

‘I have sold all emerging markets except China’: Jim Rogers
Mar 12/08
Chennai: The 21 per cent year-to-date decline of the Shanghai Composite Index notwithstanding, American investor and investment guru, Mr Jim Rogers, remains optimistic on the prospects of China. When Business Line queried him, ove...Read more

How To Avoid HF Hiring Mistakes
Mar 12/08
There’s more to hiring a hedge fund manager than just the right experience or an impressive track record. According to consultant SpencerStuart, problems arise especially when a professional is making the move from a traditional f...Read more

Hedge Funds Reel From Margin Calls Even on Treasuries
Mar 11/08
The hedge-fund industry is reeling from its worst crisis in a decade as banks are now demanding more money pledged to support outstanding loans even when the investment is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. ...Read more

Hedge Fund Advertising Turns Into A First Amendment Issue
Mar 11/08
Phillip Goldstein is at it again. The guy who single-handedly vacated the SEC’s hedge fund regulation rule has now threatened to sue his arch nemesis if it doesn’t lift its ban on hedge fund advertising immediately. According to I...Read more

Canadian institutions add foreign exposure, real estate, PE while hedge fund exposure shrinks to 1.2
Mar 11/08
Freed from past regulatory constraints on foreign investments and driven by a desire for diversification and higher returns, Canadian pension plans, endowments and foundations are adding international assets to their investment po...Read more

Credit Suisse steps into hedge fund replication business, teams up with leading academics
Mar 10/08
Credit Suisse will (today) unveil a plan to muscle in on the nascent, but potentially highly lucrative, hedge fund replication industry.The Swiss bank has teamed up with three of the leading academics in the field, Professors Will...Read more

CalPERS pumps cash into fund-of-funds
Mar 10/08
US pension giant California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) has invested an extra $323.1 million last week for emerging managers.CalPERS has awarded $161.5 million each to emerging manager fund-of-funds manager Leadi...Read more

Doubts over value of the hedge fund
Mar 10/08
Almost a third of listed companies believe hedge funds have a negative impact on market valuations, new research indicates.And companies broadly believe corporate governance regulations have questionable value in enhancing their t...Read more

Brokers Rush to Establish Hedge Funds
Mar 10/08
With deregulation planned for the capital market, securities firms find that setting up hedge funds is tantamount to expanding overseas for further growth.What better way is there than to ``kill two birds with one stone'' by setti...Read more

Hedge funds wither as banks call their bluff
Mar 10/08
Welcome to the next installment of the credit crunch. Remember how the investment banks recently wrote off $140bn in loans linked to the sub-prime mortgage debacle? Well you ain't seen nothing yet, if last week's margin calls on h...Read more

Big hedge funds growing bigger
Mar 10/08
The study by Pertrac Financial, a software company, found 350 of the 15,250 hedge funds it identified had more than $1 billion, up from 250 last year, and that among them they controlled $950 billion.The biggest hedge fund manager...Read more

More Gates, Doors Shutting At HFs
Mar 10/08
The tightening credit situation for hedge funds has led to a growing number limiting exits through gates or shutting the door on redemptions for a period altogether. Business Week puts the number at 24, as Reuters reports that hed...Read more

Saracen Hedge Fund Lost 22% in February on Gas Trades
Mar 08/08
Saracen Energy Partners LP, the Houston-based hedge fund, lost as much as 22 percent of its value last month because of wrong-way bets on the price of U.S. natural gas, two investors said. The fund, founded by Neil Kelley, slum...Read more

Hedge funds squeezed as lenders get tougher, producing negative cycle
Mar 07/08
From the WSJ: The financial turmoil is taking on a new dimension: Banks that lent money to hedge funds and other big risk-takers are asking for some of it back. Loans from banks and brokerages had allowed hedge funds, which manage...Read more

Software firms target growing workload of multiple funds
Mar 07/08
As interest in the asset class grows, technology is lagging. Institutional interest in funds of hedge funds, multi-manager vehicles that invest in multiple hedge funds, is growing and creating opportunities for technology vendors ...Read more

Kleinwort says diversified investment not as effective in crisis
Mar 07/08
LONDON (Reuters) - In times of a financial crisis, investing in a wide range of assets from commodities to hedge funds may not bring the usual diversification benefits, wealth manager Kleinwort Benson said on Thursday.A diversifie...Read more

Survey: Investors Do Due Diligence
Mar 07/08
A survey of funds-of-funds and family offices has found that investors are very concerned about managers' backgrounds, to the extent that they won't invest with them if they discover something fishy. The survey, done by nonprofit ...Read more

February 2008 Performance Review of the Dow Jones Hedge Fund Strategy Benchmarks
Mar 07/08
Four of the six hedge fund strategies covered by Dow Jones Hedge Fund Indexes posted positive returns for the month of February.Merger Arbitrage and Equity Long/Short were the leaders for the month with net-of-fees gains of 1.95 p...Read more

Hedge funds spark fixed income stress
Mar 07/08
Fears over the health of the financial system intensified yesterday as forced selling and margin calls at hedge funds sparked acute stress in many areas of the fixed income markets.Equity investors also reacted to the strains, wit...Read more

Gore Invests $35 Million for Hedge Funds With EBay Billionaire
Mar 06/08
March 6 (Bloomberg) -- Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore left the White House seven years ago with less than $2 million in assets, including a Virginia home and the family farm in Tennessee. Now he's making enough to put $35 mill...Read more

Hedge funds on the road to greater respectability
Mar 06/08
Improved transparency and governance have persuaded more schemes to invest in the asset class. British and European pension schemes have traditionally given hedge funds a wide berth, but improved transparency and more robust gover...Read more

Pension funds must be brave on alternatives, creative on governance - Kitts
Mar 06/08
Henderson's head of institutional business tells NAPF conference that smaller schemes may need to consolidate.EDINBURGH (Thomson IM) - Pension funds should think more 'clearly and creatively' on governance issues and be 'brave' wh...Read more

Malbec Hires Ex-Amaranth Strategists
Mar 06/08
NEW YORK (HedgeWorld.com)—Among the investment teams recruited by Malbec Partners Inc. for the initial strategies of its Alternative Investment Platform, which includes emerging markets and quantitative fixed income, are two ex-Am...Read more

Natixis asset manager targets institutional clients
Mar 06/08
Natixis Global Asset Management has appointed both a president and a chief operating officer for a new division that targets institutional clients, as it separates its institutional and retail businesses.The institutional services...Read more

Canada Pension Plan seeks FoHF
Mar 05/08
The $119.4bn Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, the professional investment management division mandated with investing the assets of Canada’s federal pension plan, is currently searching for a fund of hedge funds manager....Read more

Hedge funds have new opportunities in global market: Experts
Mar 05/08
 DUBAI: The uncertainty in global market conditions presents new challenges and opportunities to hedge funds, according to leading industry experts. "The uncertainty which looks set to be a keynote for 2008 is throwing up a w...Read more

Results of 2007 PerTrac Hedge Fund Database Study
Mar 05/08
Results of 2007 PerTrac Hedge Fund Database StudyShow 14.5% Increase in Hedge Fund Reporting, While Fund Launches Slow(To download a PDF version of this article, please click here: http://www.pertrac.com/per0020/web/me.get?web.web...Read more

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