Help HFC Give the Gift of Caring

Date: Monday, November 24, 2014
Author: News Release

We probably all like presents. We often get them for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and once in a while for no reason at all! Sometimes they are just thrust into our hands as they are. Sometimes they are wrapped in gorgeous paper and tied with extravagant ribbons and bows. Anticipation is part of the joy. What is it? Will I like it? Will it fit?

Can I use it?


Caring is the gift that HFC gives. Sometimes it is wrapped up as a classroom presentation teaching children where to get help if they are abused. Sometimes the ribbons and bows are activities with families to teach parents how to be more caring and nurturing of their children and thus not abusive. And sometimes it is given unadorned as in direct and powerful therapy for a child who has suffered the worst at the hands of a parent or guardian. How would you wrap up caring, you who enable us to give this gift on your behalf?


The best thing about the gift of caring: it doesn't get dismissed, returned or re-gifted.  It is used by the recipient right then and there. Caring is the gift that transforms pain and isolation into promise and community. It is the gift that makes a life-changing difference. And we can only give this gift on your behalf because you make HFC's work possible.


Please think of this during our Annual Appeal. Enable us to give the gift of caring today and for the rest of the year.


And think of caring, and what it means in the lives of vulnerable children and families, the next time you open a present.


Kind regards,

Dean Backer
Michael Vranos
Ellington Management Group
Annual Appeal Chair
Kathryn Conroy
Executive Director/CEO



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