Maxam Capital Management Ltd.

Date: Thursday, October 2, 2014
Author: News Release

Active management for dynamic markets.

We are pleased to let you know that Travis Dowle, fund manager of the Maxam Diversified Strategies Fund, was recently featured in the Financial Post’s Buy & Sell column. In this column Travis discussed his views on recent merger and acquisition activity, and highlighted three investment holdings.
Please click the link below to read the article:
The Maxam Diversified Strategies Fund is an event-driven fund with a diversified and flexible mandate focused on company-specific catalysts and special situations.
Since its inception in July 2009, the fund has outperformed the Canadian hedge fund indices and Canada’s S&P/TSX Total Return Composite. The fund also ranks in the top quartile of the Alternative Strategies1 peer group for the five year period ending August 31, 2014. 
If you would like to learn more about Maxam please reply to this email or contact me at the number below.

Stephen Roberts
Vice President | Business Development
Maxam Capital Management Ltd.
T 604 349 9644
1Maxam Alternative Strategies Peer Group, per Globe & Mail.