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Learn Effective Ways How to Market and Advertise Your Hedge Fund

Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012
Author: Jeffery Storm, Global HFA

Hedge Funds and other private placements have not been able to advertise for over 80 years and with the new legislation, “This will create great opportunities for a lot of emerging fund managers as well as the 2.3 trillion dollar industry as a whole which in turn will give more business to the service providers including (Prime Brokers, Attorneys, Administrators, Auditors and lots more..), states Andrew Schneider President and CEO of Global HFA.”

Congress passed the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act with bipartisan support, and President Barack Obama signed it into law in April. Among its provisions, this misguided piece of legislation allows so-called private placements and hedge funds, lightly regulated private investment pools that serve the wealthy and institutions, to advertise their wares to the public for the first time. Prior to this and the internet word of mouth was the only way to increase your client base.

Today with over 10k hedge fund and also (CPO’s, Forex, Real Estate, Private Equity, etc..) many fund managers are turning to new ways to grow their business. Global HFA launched www.hedgetube.org which allows fund managers to upload a video marketing there fund to accredited investors. Mr. Schneider predicts, “This will be the most cost efficient way for small and emerging fund managers to get in front of HNW and family office investors instead of reading offering docs and long power points. This will be more entertaining and if an investor is interested they can ask for marketing materials and/or offering docs.”

Other ways hedge funds will be able to advertise is in industry magazines or newspapers. They can also have websites that won’t need to be all pass word protected. “There are other good ways but more costly and less efficient for example who reads industry magazines it is usually service providers or other fund managers so your target audience is not being reached” add Andrew Schneider industry expert.

If you are interested in marketing your fund and making a video presentation please email it to andrew@globalhfa.com so it can be listed on the website. Also, if you need help in website content, website management or administration or creating a video presentation, we have experts you can retain.

For more info on Global HFA please visit www.globalhfa.com.

Jeffery Storm
Assistant Editor for Global HFA