UCITS HFS Index takes fourth monthly loss in a row, down -0.09% in June 2012 |
Date: Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Author: HedgeTracker
The UCITS HFS Index continues its downward trend with a loss of -0.09% in June
2012 after it already dropped -1.40% from March till May 2012. The loss this
month is attributable to the first two weeks of trading in which the UCITS HFS
Index took losses of -0.31% and -0.22%. Although the performance of the broad
index turned around in week three with gains of +0.30%, week four started
negative, only turning positive (+0.14%) after a strong last day of trading.
Still this was not enough to turn the June result positive from a month to date
perspective. From all funds tracked 51.26% posted positive returns in June 2012.
From a sub-strategy perspective seven out of the twelve sub-strategies returned
profits in June. The best performing strategies were Convertible (+1.01%),
Credit (+1.00%) and Global Macro (+0.85%), all of them outweighing minor early
losses from the beginning of the month with respectable gains in the second half
of June. Credit and Fixed Income are the only two strategies with back to back
positive monthly results in 2012, accumulating now seven positive months. They
stand at +4.52% and +2.93% from a year to date perspective. The three worst
performing strategies in June were CTA (-3.35%), Commodity (-1.34%) and Event
Driven (-0.92%). While the first two lost money week after week, Event Driven
was able to post small positive returns in week three of June, before taking a
major hit in the last week of trading. From a year to date perspective the broad
UCITS HFS Index now stands at +1.02% in 2012.
About the UCITS HFS Index
The UCITS HFS Index Series is the first index family that tracks all UCITS funds
using hedge fund strategies. The UCITS HFS Index Series includes all UCITS III
funds that apply absolute return strategies, have more than 10 Mio. € of assets
under management, offer at least weekly liquidity and have reported numbers for
more than one month. Index tracking funds, long-only and 130/30 strategies are
The indices are calculated on every friday and at the end of each month by the
index by the index provider 2n20.com AG and are published on the website
About 2n20.com
Founded in 2009, the Freienbach-based Swiss 2n20.com AG is a financial service
provider specialized in internet based services tailored for the hedge fund
industry. It launched the first index family for hedge funds in UCITS wrapper –
the UCITS HFS Index family – and acts as index provider in this regard. 2n20.com
provides institutional investors with information via its databases and
newsletters and offers investable products on and licensing of its indices.
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