BluMont Man-IP 220 Series 3 Notes Close at C$52.3 Million |
Date: Thursday, April 20, 2006
Author: Marketwire.com
TORONTO, ONTARIO -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 04/20/2006 -- BluMont Capital Inc. ("BluMont") (TSX VENTURE:BCC) is pleased to announce it raised C$52.3 million with its third series of the BluMont Man-IP 220 Notes ("Series 3 Notes") - a multi-manager/multi-strategy investment product with a 100% principal repayment guarantee from Citibank Canada.
BluMont has now raised over C$200 million in the BluMont Man-IP 220 Notes and over C$485 million in all BluMont Man offerings since March 2003.
The Series 3 Notes, while structured specifically for the Canadian marketplace, are modeled upon the original Man-IP 220 Limited fund, which has proven to be one of Man's most successful product structures with an impressive nine-year track record of positive returns each year since its December 1996 inception. At its closing on December 31, 2005, the Man-IP 220 Limited fund, which is not available to Canadian investors, had generated an impressive total return of 311.3% since inception (an annualized net return of 16.8%).
The Series 3 Notes provide investors access to the Man-Glenwood Portfolio, a fund-of-hedge funds, and the Man-AHL Diversified Programme, the world's largest managed futures program - each of which has a long track record of success and low correlation to each other as well as to traditional asset classes. Neither of these programs is directly available to Canadian investors.
In addition to a principal repayment feature provided by Citibank Canada that guarantees the return of an investor's initial investment at maturity, the Series 3 Notes provide the potential for enhanced diversification and positive returns in both rising and falling markets. The Series 3 Notes are also 100% RSP eligible as Canadian content and were available to investors until April 5, 2006 for a minimum investment of C$5,000.
"We are extremely pleased with the assets raised on our third offering of the BluMont Man-IP 220 Notes. The success of the Series 3 Notes and the response by Canadian investors have clearly demonstrated that we have a strong and viable investment product," says Stephen J. Kangas, President of BluMont. "It is our intention to follow with a Man-IP 220 Series 4 offering in the coming months so as to offer investors further access to a new product with low correlation to traditional assets and the potential to deliver double-digit returns and enhanced diversification irrespective of how stock and bond markets perform."
BluMont's launch of the Series 3 Notes was concurrent with Man Investments' global launch of the Man-IP 220 Limited product which included launches in Japan, Germany, Switzerland and Australia and collectively raised over US$2.3 billion of client money.
"The C$52.3 million raised on the latest BluMont Man-IP 220 Note offering is a testament to the strong demand for our principal protected products in a challenging market environment," says John M. Kelly, President and CEO of Man Investments Inc. "This reinforces investors' demand for these types of alternative investment products."
About BluMont
BluMont is a leading provider of alternative investment products to Canadian investors. Specializing in hedge funds, the firm offers innovative investment solutions that provide enhanced diversification and robust return potential. BluMont employs 40 people nationwide and has approximately C$850 million in assets under management. BluMont is 46.1% indirectly owned by Toronto-based Integrated Asset Management Corp. (TSXV:IAM), a leading alternative asset management company with approximately C$3 billion in assets and committed capital under management. Further information on BluMont can be found at www.blumontcapital.com.
About Man Investments
Man Investments, the asset management division of Man Group plc, is a global leader in the growing alternative investments industry. It provides innovative products and tailor-made solutions to private and institutional investors. Through its core investment managers - AHL, Glenwood, Man Global Strategies and RMF - Man Investments has succeeded in developing leadership in hedge funds and has interests in other asset classes. In its core hedge fund asset class, Man Investments offers funds of hedge funds, structured and style products. Its track record stretches back more than two decades and defines the standard for excellence in an industry whose central goal is to provide diversification away from traditional equity and bond investments. Man Investments has a powerful global presence with central operations in Pfaffikon (Switzerland), and London and key centers in Chicago, Montevideo, Hong Kong, Sydney, Tokyo and Dubai and has an extensive network of distribution partners.
The TSX Venture Exchange Inc. has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Contacts: BluMont Capital Inc. Stephen J. Kangas President (416) 216-3566SOURCE: BluMont Capital Inc.
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