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The 2011 Morningstar Canadian Investment Awards were handed out Wednesday night in Toronto

Date: Thursday, December 1, 2011
Author: News Release

The evening honoured companies and individuals that investment research fien Morningstar Canada believes have made a difference in the lives of investors through superior investment products, service, marketing, and education. Improv comedian Colin Mochrie served as master of ceremonies for the more than 500 guests in attendance.

The awards encompass a wide range of investment products, including mutual funds, pooled funds, and hedge funds. Additional awards recognize outstanding individual managers, career achievement, discount brokerage, and marketing. The awards program represents the year-long evaluation efforts of dozens of firms, analysts, and expert jury members.

The Morningstar Canadian Investment Award Hedge Fund winners are:

Best Multi-Strategy or Fund of Hedge Funds
Winner: Spartan Multi-Strategy Fund, Spartan Fund Management Inc.
Silver:   Amethyst Arbitrage Fund, Crystalline Management Inc.
Bronze: Garrison Hill Macro Opportunities Fund, Garrison Hill Capital Management Inc.

Best Opportunistic Hedge Fund
Winner: Friedberg Global Macro Hedge Fund Ltd., Friedberg Mercantile Group Ltd.
Silver:   Auspice Diversified Trust, Auspice Capital Advisors Ltd.
Bronze: Vision Opportunity Fund LP, Vision Capital Corp.

Best Relative Value Hedge Fund
Winner: Altairis Long/Short Class, Polar Securities Inc.
Silver:   Picton Mahoney Market Neutral Equity Fund, Picton Mahoney Asset Management
Bronze: CC&L Canadian Q Market Neutral Onshore, Connor, Clark & Lunn Investment Management Ltd.