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HedgePole launches independent UCITS Alternative Indices

Date: Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Author: Press Release

Global Macro - HedgePole UCITS Alternative Macro Index
Managed Futures (CTA) - HedgePole UCITS Alternative CTA Index


Switzerland - HedgePole AG, an independent service provider for hedge funds price collection and middle office services, announces the launch of two UCITS indices which focus on individual hedge fund strategies. The first two indices cover the Global Macro and Managed Futures/CTAs strategies. UCITS, a regulated onshore (hedge) fund vehicle, has seen strong growth over the last couple of years, now collectively managing more than USD 100 billion in the alternative strategies.

HedgePole indices are unique as they aim to cover all UCITS funds matching the selection criteria to give a fair, reliable and independent representation of the performance of the relevant strategies. HedgePole ensures that the constituent funds fully meet the pre-defined selection criteria such as compliance with the UCITS directive as well as basic characteristics of a hedge fund. Further, HedgePole sources the NAVs pro-actively and directly from the constituent fund managers or their administrators ensuring that each calculation includes 100% of the underlings’ latest updated NAVs.

The index constituents are equally weighted with minimum assets under management of EUR 10 million and matching the strategy of the relevant index. The official launch date was May 1, 2011. However, the historical performances have been tracked since May 2010 and are available together with the monthly performance updates on http://www.hedgepole.com/UcitsValues.html.

HedgePole invites industry members, fund managers, investors and other interested parties to visit http://www.hedgepole.com/Register.html to subscribe to the monthly index performance updates or to find out more about HedgePole’s services.

For further information please contact: Dominika Melon, +48 61 841 00 81, dominika.melon@hedgepole.com

About HedgePole:

HedgePole AG, established in 2004, is an independent service provider for hedge funds price collection and middle office services as well as data vendor for hedge funds securities master. HedgePole is headquartered in Freienbach, Switzerland and has its operational office in Poznan, Poland. HedgePole has made a significant commitment to building its technological and operational infrastructure to provide services of outstanding quality and to contribute to transparency in the alternative investment industry. For further information, please visit www.hedgepole.com.

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