What to Expect from Hedge Funds Today |
Date: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Author: Joshua Barlow, PAAMCO
Much like the aftermath following the Bernard Madoff fraud, the allegations
and prosecutions against certain members of the Galleon Group have predictably
raised a chorus of hedge fund investor concerns.
Expert research consultants, independent research boutiques and expert networks
(collectively “experts”) – firms that match industry specialists including those
working in public companies with money managers – have fallen under the
spotlight. There have been a series of high profile allegations about whether
these experts were providing managers with material non-public information -
such as future earnings predictions or proposed mergers and acquisitions – in
exchange for a fee. Verifying that hedge fund managers have proper controls
surrounding the use of material non-public information should be an integral
part of investing. However, firms such as Galleon overstepped the proper use of
this information which has resulted in greater scrutiny on experts and
operations generally.
There are some aspects of compliance which are absolute prerequisites for fund
managers – most significantly, having a quality compliance culture led from the
top with a suitably qualified chief operating officer and chief compliance
officer. Firms should have detailed and bespoke compliance manuals that are kept
up to date with new regulations and are appropriate for the firm’s size and
strategy. They should not be left gathering dust on an obscure shelf but
continually reviewed and updated. Regularly monitoring trading, performing trade
tests and educating staff on a frequent basis are also essential. But these are
just the basics.
We, as investors, do not feel we are at the point yet where it is necessary to
ban managers from using experts. Furthermore, we will still invest in managers
that do utilise the services of experts. However, it is essential for us to hold
managers to a higher standard and demand that they implement specific practices.
At a minimum, we believe that all managers must now have detailed compliance
manuals in place with written policies and procedures in regards to the use of
material non-public information and experts (if they are used by the manager).
The chief compliance officer or compliance group at each manager must approve
all experts being used by the firm, which must include reviewing and approving
the expert agreement. Each agreement should have an explicit clause that the
expert will not provide the manager with material non-public information. All
information received from experts must be documented by the receiver and then
reviewed by compliance. Furthermore, if possible, compliance personnel should be
present during any conversations between managers and experts. It is recommended
that all phone conversations with experts be recorded, reviewed or documented by
compliance. Training staff is also key. Companies should have annual formal
compliance training for all employees interacting in any fashion with experts.
These continuing professional development briefings would of course address
relevant topics such as insider trading and the appropriate use of experts.
Finally, compliance departments are advised to identify and sample trades based
on information received by experts, and look at other trades material to the
portfolio (especially the top performing trades) compared to publicly available
These practices are already in place at many of the hedge fund managers who hold
themselves to a particularly high compliance standard. The events of the last
six months have made it clear that is now necessary that all hedge fund managers
maintain the same high standard when it comes to experts. Such best practices
will certainly go a long way in reassuring hedge fund investors.
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