Man Group inflows surge after Japan fund launch |
Date: Thursday, July 7, 2011
Author: Laurence Fletcher, Reuters
* Net inflows $3.7 bln in 3 months to June * Funds under management $71 bln * GLG's hedge funds on average made losses in quarter * AHL falls 3.2 pct between May 30 and July 4 * Shares rise 3.1 percent (Adds detail) LONDON, July 7 (Reuters) - Man Group boasted stronger than expected
first-quarter inflows as investors keen to profit from bleak
markets helped the world's biggest listed hedge fund manager accelerate its
belated recovery from the credit crisis. Man, which only began winning back investors earlier this year after two
years of outflows, reported net inflows of $3.7 billion for the first quarter of
its financial year, up from $700 million in the three months to end-March. Analysts at Singer had expected $2.5 billion of net inflows. The performance strengthens the position of CEO Peter Clarke, whose $1.6
deal last year to buy GLG and boost Man's assets had set up a power struggle
with GLG's influential co-CEO Emmanuel Roman. Man's resurgence has been helped by the bumper launch in
Japan of an open-ended version of flagship computer-driven fund AHL, which
has now raised $2.3 billion, in spite of AHL's recent performance losses. Man's total assets rose to $71 billion, marginally below analysts' forecasts,
from $69.1 billion at end-March after tough markets knocked $1.1 billion off the
value of its funds. "This rise ... masks a significant amount of progress in terms of net sales,"
said Singer analysts in a note. Man Group shares were up 3.1 percent at 1057 GMT, while the broader blue-chip
market was up 0.45 percent. However, Man added that AHL, a $23.9 billion fund named after 1980s founders
Michael Adam, David Harding and Martin Lueck, was 12 percent below its so-called
"high-water mark", the level above which it can earn lucrative performance fees.
The fund, which has suffered from a lack of market trends it can latch onto
and which was hit by May's
commodities sell-off, has fallen 3.2 percent between May 30 and July 4. "The fly in the ointment remains AHL's performance," said Peel Hunt analyst
Mark Williamson in a note. "We remain of the belief that AHL as a strategy is not broken and that
investment performance will re-assert, but this is taking much longer than we
had hoped." Man said the "black box" fund was still defensively positioned in
bonds and had significantly cut its short bet on equities. Meanwhile, hedge funds managed by GLG, which it bought last year for $1.6
billion to boost assets and diversify its business, saw performance losses on
average this quarter. GLG's Alpha Select was down 5.6 percent in the two months to end-May, and
Atlas Macro was off 2.1 percent. Its long-only funds are roughly flat. "Current markets are creating challenging performance conditions for most
asset classes, and our assumption is that investor sentiment will remain patchy
over the summer months," said CEO Clarke in a statement. Clarke told Reuters at last month's GAIM conference in Monaco that Man saw
higher net inflows in the three months to June than the previous quarter. He also said that while there was a "big opportunity" for Man to expand in
the U.S. -- cited as a driver behind its acquisition of GLG -- there was "a
bigger opportunity outside the U.S." Having suffered a painful fallout from the credit crisis, with assets
dropping below $40 billion last year, Man is now running a similar level of
assets to 2008. However, its recovery has been slower than the wider hedge fund industry,
which began to see clients return as early as 2009 and this year saw total
assets balloon above $2 trillion for the first time, according to Hedge Fund
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