Investigation into K1 hedge fund hit by death |
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Author: Louise Armitstead, The Telegraph
One of the suspects in an international hedge fund fraud case has apparently
shot himself while being arrested by police on the Spanish island of Mallorca.
Dieter Frerichs, who was the managing director of K1 Group, a German fund of
hedge funds, committed suicide to avoid being extradited to Germany to face
allegations, according to Spanish police.
The financier was due to be extradited under the orders of a Madrid court
following a request by prosecutors in the German city of Wuerzburg. The
prosecutors wanted to question Frerichs about the workings of K1 which was
allegedly being run as a €300m Ponzi scheme.
Banks, including Barclays and JP Morgan, are thought to have millions of pounds
of exposure to the hedge fund, both through its private clients and via loans
for leverage. Prosecutors claim that the fund's founder, Helmut Kiener, took
funds from the clients of major banks and pledged to invest them in hedge funds.
Mr Kiener faces accusations of using the money to fund a lavish life-style that
included private jets and property in America.
Mr Kiener, has been detained without bail in his home town of Würzburg since in
October last year. A spokeswoman for police in Mallorca told Bloomberg that
officers had arrived at Mr Frerichs' house in Palma at 11.30 on Saturday
morning, where they found him sunbathing. He took out a firearm and ran into the
sea where he died.
Mr Frerichs had been arrested in April and was conditionally released until a
second arrest order came through in May.
The hedge fund group was divided in two parts, K1 Global and K1 Invest, both of
which were registered in the British Virgin Islands. Mr Frerichs was listed as
the managing director of both funds.
Late last year, the group of banks appointed Grant Thornton as liquidators.
Directors at the firm said they do not expect to recover money from the funds.
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