NASAA website lets investors view background information on advisors |
Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Author: Investment Executive
NASAA said Monday that the Investment Adviser Public
Disclosure website has been enhanced to allow investors to
electronically access information about individuals who work for money
management, financial planning and other investment advisory firms,
including background information such as customer complaints, criminal
or regulatory disclosures, including any disciplinary incidents over the
past 10 years, professional qualifications, and employment history.
Previously, the IAPD only provided instant access to registration
documents filed by registered firms.
Denise Voigt Crawford,
NASAA's president and Texas Securities Commissioner, hailed the
enhancement as an important step in improving investor protection.
“Investors should be equipped with the important information that will
be available through this website when they evaluate who they should
hire to help them plan for retirement or pay for a child’s education,”
Crawford said.
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