Hedge Funds Hit by Wrong Kind of Volatility |
Date: Thursday, June 24, 2010
Author: Reuters
The turbulent financial markets that have
characterized the first half of this year have been no friend to hedge
funds, producing what could be called the wrong kind of volatility�more
like a trampoline than a slide.
Hedge funds, like others, have also suffered from a particularly brutal
May and an initial failure to see the euro zone sovereign debt crisis
coming. Indexes that track the performance of hedge funds show them at
best achieving cash-like returns since January.
The Credit Suisse/Tremont benchmark, for example, gained just 1.48
percent by the end of May, while the HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index was
off 0.34 percent by mid-June. Given the popular reputation that hedge
funds have as swashbuckling money machines�not to mention the hefty fees
they charge for that reputation�these are not the kind of returns that
many investors might have hoped for.
And this is particularly the case given the volatility of markets, a
backdrop which flexible, aggressive investors should be better equipped
to handle than vanilla funds.
The problem for hedge fund managers is that 2010, particularly the month
of May, has delivered the type of volatility where risky assets are one
day powering ahead only to reverse sharply the next, the so-called
risk-on, risk-off effect which can whipsaw investors.
This has combined with high correlations between assets�the dollar
falling, for example, every time stocks rise�to create some of the
hardest markets to maneuver.
"The correlation between investments has been higher than expected,"
said William De Vijlder, chief investment officer of BNP Paribas
Investment Partners. "You have higher volatility�which is good�but
higher correlation. So natural hedges are hard to put in place."
Buds of May
This was the case in May when all but one of the investment styles
tracked by Credit Suisse/Tremont lost most if not all of what they had
gained in the previous four months. Its emerging market index, for
example, lost 4.28 percent in May, leaving a year-to-date loss of 0.78
While volatility can throw up opportunities for hedge funds, they tend
to dislike extreme volatility and periods when markets are not moving on
The currency carry trade, for example, based on interest rate
differentials, has been more sensitive this year to stock market
movements than economic data and interest rate expectations.
Some computer-driven trend-following hedge funds can profit from a
long-term bull or bear market but tend to lose money during sharp
reversals in markets. That can be seen in the results for May, when the
only hedge fund investment style listed by Credit Suisse/Tremont that
gained was the one focused on shorting stocks.
MSCI's all-country world stock index lost 9.8 percent, powering the
short bias index up 5.8 percent. Yet short selling has been the worst
performing style this year, losing 7.8 percent even after May's good
One reason is that on average equity long-short hedge funds are almost
always net long�meaning they gain when stocks rise�and were so in a big
way at the beginning of the year.
"The average hedge fund went into this year net long. That's been the
biggest problem. They got caught by this [year's] fall," said Will
Bartleet, fund manager with HSBC Global Investment Management's absolute
return team.
Many hedge funds also failed to see the sovereign debt crisis coming, or
at least to act on it.
"Positioning was all wrong," Mr. Bartleet said, adding that there was a
degree of complacency at work.
More to Come
The silver lining for hedge funds is that their performance has been
better than that of many equity mutual funds year to date. MSCI's main
stocks index, for example, is still down 4.5 percent for the year,
despite a 10 day rally this month.
End-May comparisons were minus 7.4 percent for stocks, plus 1.5 for
hedge funds.
In that sense, hedge funds in general have met at least one investor
expectation, to protect clients' money, albeit without much dynamism.
The client base has also been changing. Institutional investors such as
pension funds, rather than wealthy individuals, are now dominant, so
their longer-term investment horizons are likely to make them more
tolerant of shorter-term losses, such as those suffered in May.
Which may be just as well. Executives meeting in Monaco at the annual
GAIM conference last week forecast May's spike in market volatility
could continue.
"[Hedge funds] can't deliver excellent returns in every market
condition, there's no such thing. There are opportunities that come and
go for certain styles," said Leda Braga, president of BlueCrest Capital
Capital preservation was said to be the main goal for the rest of this
year at least.
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