Hedge fund strategies ride out stock market fall |
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009
Author: HedgeFunds Review
Convertible arbitrage rode out the poor October performance of risky bonds to return 1.26%, according to the latest set of alternative indexes from Edhec.
The indexes showed convertible arbitrage posted a return of 45.2% for the year to date (YTD) despite October's return to volatility with the first stock market fall since February 2009.
However, long/short equity dropping by 0.94% and equity market neutral strategies fell 0.12%. Both suffered with the fall of the stock market.
Global macro fell slightly (0.04%) for October although the strategy recorded a solid 8.9% YTD.
Fixed income registered a tenth month of profitability, up 1.94%, nearing its highest level from October 1997.
While short selling had a negative return of 15.3% YTD, it produced the strongest performance in October of 3.4%.
Fund of hedge funds (FoHFs) fell 0.05%. Despite this they outperformed the stock market which fell 1.86% in the month.
Edhec alternative indexes - overview October 2009
Hedge fund strategies |
October 2009 (%) |
YTD (%) |
Annual average return since January 2001 (%) |
Annual std dev since January 2001 (%) |
Sharpe ratio |
Convertible Arbitrage |
1.26 |
42.7 |
6.2 |
7.9 |
0.28 |
CTA Global |
-1.39 |
-2.5 |
7.4 |
8.8 |
0.39 |
Distressed Securities |
1.38 |
23.8 |
10.6 |
6.2 |
1.07 |
Emerging Markets |
1.11 |
32.8 |
12.3 |
10.9 |
0.76 |
Equity Market Neutral |
-0.12 |
4.1 |
4.7 |
3.1 |
0.22 |
Event Driven |
0.33 |
20.9 |
8.1 |
6.0 |
0.68 |
Fixed Income Arbitrage |
1.94 |
21.7 |
5.6 |
4.8 |
0.33 |
Global Macro |
-0.44 |
8.9 |
7.7 |
4.5 |
0.82 |
Long/Short Equity |
-0.94 |
16.2 |
5.4 |
7.2 |
0.19 |
Merger Arbitrage |
0.30 |
8.2 |
5.5 |
3.4 |
0.43 |
Relative Value |
0.33 |
18.2 |
6.4 |
4.9 |
0.49 |
Short Selling |
3.40 |
-15.3 |
3.0 |
14.0 |
-0.07 |
Funds of Funds |
-0.05 |
9.2 |
4.3 |
5.2 |
0.06 |
* Cumulative return since January 1st of the current year. Source: Edhec
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