Newedge launches hedge fund indices

Date: Thursday, February 12, 2009
Author: Hedge Funds Review

Newedge has launched a new range of hedge fund indices covering global macro and commodity trading strategies.

The range includes two new strategy indices - Newedge Macro Trading Index (Newedge MTI) and Newedge Commodity Trading Index (Newedge CTI) - and four sub-indices. The sub-strategies include Newedge MTI Quantitative; Newedge MTI Discretionary; Newedge CTI Trading Strategies and Newedge CTI Equity Strategies.

The indices are expected to represent accurately on a strategy specific basis the performance of all the trading strategies, whether available through onshore or offshore fund structures, as well as managed accounts that are reported to the statistical reporting team of Newedge.

Performance will be calculated using an equal weighted methodology, and will be reported on a monthly basis.

In order to be eligible for inclusion as a constituent programme, individual programmes must  be predominantly trade a relevant strategy, provide monthly performance data and have assets under management greater than $30 million.

Both the estimated and finalised index values will be published and distributed on a monthly basis. Data will also be available on the Newedge Group website.