Date: Monday, October 25, 2004
Saskatoon, SK, October 25, 2004 - Ives Business Services Inc. (“ives”) is pleased to announce the launch of two « next generation » hedge funds: The World of Synchrotrons (“TWS”) Performance Fund and the Family Circle 40/40 Option Fund. Both Funds offer a new take on reward to risk ratio and have no correlation to traditional asset classes. The program assets of the World of Synchrotrons Performance Fund are targeted to $1.5 billion. Funding will be in several stages with a $250 million initial offering expected to be completed by early 2005. TWS is an institutional class hedge fund for the International market and classified as a « master portfolio fund » to other investment funds. TWS is an «absolute return strategy» targeting net annual returns of 16 – 18% with no exposure to market direction. The fund takes ownership positions in patents or corporate owners of registered patents related to synchrotron radiation technology. The annual worldwide spin-off from synchrotron technologies is currently estimated at $750 billion and expected to double within the next 10 years. The Family Circle 40/40 Option Fund is a Domestic « managed futures » hedge fund for boutique investment. The Fund is open to Canadian, US, and offshore high net worth individual and institutional investors with a minimum investment requirement of $100,000. More modest investments, as low as $10,000, are also permitted to accredited investors or family members or close friends of investors already contributing to the Fund who have obtained financial and fiscal advice from a third party independent advisor prior to their commitment. The Family Circle 40/40 Option Fund’s unique attributes feature constant liquidity with no lock-up period, no management fees, and an Option for investors to elect a 2% monthly guaranteed annuity or a 40/40 annual performance allocation where investors receive 100% of the first 40% of annual return and an additional 40% of the remainder after guaranteed return payouts. The Family Circle 40/40 Option Fund specializes in alternative investment strategies mostly in index and financial futures to hedge out systematic market risk by applying quantitative techniques called systematic trend-following. The Fund uses a proprietary probability analysis system giving the Fund Manager a level of statistical confidence to isolate risk and maximize annual returns in the upper double-digit. Both funds will be managed by ives, Canada’s premier independent mentorship bureau to successful futures traders and managed futures portfolio managers. The funds will be administered by Felcom Data Services Inc. of Toronto, already providing quality administration and fund accounting to more than 25 mutual funds and alternative products. The custodian of the assets of the funds will be Co-operative Trust Company of Canada, recently been named as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies. For more information, please contact: Pat Thériault, Fund Director Tel: 306.975.1000 E-mail: ptheriault@ivesbus.com
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