Hedge fund industry opposes US rule on circulation of rumours |
Date: Monday, January 12, 2009
Author: Hedgeweek.com
The hedge fund industry is concerned that a proposed
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority rule designed to prevent the
intentional circulation of rumours for the purpose of manipulating the
market will interfere with the beneficial free flow of investment
ideas, according to US law firm Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman.
In a letter to the regulatory body, the Managed Funds Association said
that the proposed Rule 2030 would impair the ability of money managers
to receive and investigate the validity of market information and have
a negative impact on the overall efficiency of the marketplace.
The MFA urges Finra to revise proposed Rule 2030 to focus on compliance
with existing anti-manipulation rules and require member firms to adopt
policies for handling rumours, bolstered by surveillance.
The proposed rule would prohibit Finra members from circulating rumours
concerning any security if the member knows or has reasonable grounds
for believing that the rumour is false or misleading, or that it would
improperly influence the market price of the security.
The rule would also require a member to promptly report to Finra any
circumstance that would reasonably lead the member to conclude that
such a rumour might have been circulated.
The MFA believes that a rule focused on the circulation of
unsubstantiated information is both overbroad and impractical,
especially since the modes of communication have changed and continue
to change so dramatically, and would undermine the legitimate search
for information.
In addition, the association is concerned that the arbitrary
application of the rule could make seemingly legitimate communications
a violation. Moreover, it says, Rule 2030 fails to distinguish between
the legitimate circulation of unsubstantiated information and the
intentional circulation of false information for the purpose of
manipulating the market.
It also lacks clear standards in determining a violation and is
ambiguous as to the meaning of reasonable grounds for believing and
improperly influence the market price. As drafted, the MFA says, Rule
2030 would capture legitimate and beneficial market activity.
Finally, the MFA is concerned that Rule 2030's self-reporting
requirement, which turns on a reasonable belief that rumours may have
been circulated, is also broad and imprecise. The rule would cause
Finra members to over-report rather than risk being second-guessed with
the benefit of hindsight.
The association suggests that a better approach would be for Finra to
require member firms to adopt policies and conduct surveillance and
training concerning the circulation of rumours. An effective compliance
program addressing rumours could include written guidelines, active
training of employees, and continued monitoring of a firm's
communications and trading.
The MFA recommends following the example of the Notice on Rumours
issued by the Financial Services Authority in the UK, which discusses
best practices and common elements, including the definition of a
rumour, prohibitions on creating rumours, and trading based on rumours.
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