Hedge Funds Surpass Mutual Funds In Equity Trading Volume |
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008
Author: CNN Money
An equity investors study by Greenwich Associates showed trading volume generated by hedge funds surpassed mutual funds last year and now ranks second only to traditional asset-management shops.
The financial-consulting firm said the influence of hedge funds as a way of
generating equity trading has helped
"Although the second half of 2007 was something of a wild ride, hedge-fund
performance for the year was relatively strong, and from a U.S. equity trading
perspective, hedge funds were extremely active," said Greenwich consultant
Greenwich said nearly 30% of U.S. institutional equity commission payments in the year ended February were generated by hedge funds, up from 24% a year ago. Meanwhile, mutual-fund commission payments declined 19% after falling 10% the previous year.
Commissions paid by the typical U.S. institution increased to more than
Greenwich noted
The firm also said U.S. institutions gave the highest ratings for overall
sales trading and trading quality to
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