High Growth Reported for the Hedge Funds in Europe 2008 |
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008
Author: Canadian Business.com
LONDON (Marketwire) - Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report related to the Financial services industry is available in its catalogue.
Hedge Funds in Europe 2008 - The European Hedge fund market is going through a period of exponential growth; however the extent of the MBS crisis on the market is uncertain. This report assesses the opportunities and pitfalls for this market.
http://www.reportlinker.com/p090018/Hedge-Funds-in-Europe-2008---The-Europea n-Hedge-fund-market-is-going-through-a-period-of-exponential-growth-however- the-extent-of-the-MBS-crisis-on-the-market-is-uncertain-This-report-assesses -the-opportunities-and-pitf
This report presents views on the market for hedge fund investment based on a survey of 100 leading asset managers across Europe. The report, which covers mass market, high net worth and institutional customer groups, forms part of a series looking at the market for alternative investments in Europe.
Sizes the onshore hedge fund market in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK and provides forecasts to 2012; Analyses legislative developments and their implications for growth in the European hedge fund market; Identifies the primary client segments and appropriate marketing and distribution strategies for individual countries.
There will be strong growth in funds of hedge funds over the next year, with less demand for single hedge funds according to 65% of asset managers in Europe. Asset managers in Spain and Italy believe most strongly that the demand for funds of hedge funds will outstrip that for single hedge funds, followed by France, Germany and finally the UK. Across the five core economies in Western Europe - France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK - institutional investors now dominate the market for hedge funds. On average, slightly more than two-thirds of asset managers confirmed that this group represents their biggest customer segment for hedge funds today. In Italy, mass market investors may also be put off by the price of hedge fund investment, according to 40% of asset managers there. In Spain, on the other hand, demand from mass market clients is being limited by competition from capital-protected and structured products and inadequate promotion of hedge fund products by banks and advisors.
Reasons to Purchase
Assess the implications of recent and proposed legislation for your business development prospects in domestic and pan-European markets. Gain insights into your target client segments, based on the collective experience of your peers in the industry. Ascertain the strategic options for developing a hedge fund offering, including information on distribution, target markets, and competition.
Overview 1 Catalyst 1 Summary 1 Methodology 1 Executive Summary 2 The European hedge fund market continues to grow beyond its traditional high net worth customer base 2 Key Issue: A significant onshore hedge funds market is constrained by regulation, psychological barriers and a need for investor and advisor education. 2 Institutional participation in the European hedge fund market is now entrenched; but mass market investors also represent a growing client segment 2 Clients still perceive the benefits of hedge funds for risk diversification 3 Reaching the mass market for hedge funds 3 Reaching the high net worth market for hedge funds 3 Reaching the institutional market for hedge funds 3 Asset managers rate Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Man Group and Barclays among the leading hedge fund providers 4 Table of Contents 4 Table of figures 5 Table of tables 6 Key Issue: The Future For Onshore Funds In Europe 7 A significant onshore hedge funds market is constrained by regulation, psychological barriers and a need for investor and advisor education 7 France is one of the more successful hedge fund markets in Europe 8 Germany is constrained by complicated tax treatment of hedge funds 8 Italy has a EUR500,000 minimum threshold, which means only the HNW have access to hedge funds 8 Spain has a EUR50,000 minimum investment which restricts its retail opportunity 9 The UK is at a turning point in relation to its regulation of hedge funds 9 Sweden allows hedge funds and funds of funds to be marketed to retail investors 10 In spite of market constraints, onshore hedge funds have grown much faster than the overall mutual funds market in most countries, albeit from a small base 10 Education is among the biggest challenges to further development in this market 11 A lack of understanding about hedge funds is the main barrier to their wider take up in Europe 11 Investor education across Europe is the key to wider hedge fund take up 12 Regulation is being addressed in several countries 14 Changes to the regulation of hedge funds are a necessary precondition for their wider take up 14 The UK's FSA has recently released a set of proposals concerning the regulation of onshore hedge funds and has invited industry feedback 15 France and Spain are examining the regulatory regime covering hedge funds 15 Germany put the regulation of hedge funds on the agenda in 2007 and has introduced its own draft law 15 The Italian hedge fund market is exclusively for institutions and HNW at the moment, but the industry is pushing for lower minimum thresholds 16 Denmark introduced an onshore hedge fund industry in 2005 17 Norway has planned to introduce the regulation of hedge funds for some time and has recently been rocked by public authority losses as a result of hedge fund investments 17 Belgium has a restrictive regime 17 Sweden was one of the first countries in Europe to introduce a liberalized regime for onshore hedge funds 17 There have also been legislative initiatives at the European level that impact on the hedge fund market 18 Hedge funds in Europe are looking to a voluntary code 18 Funds of hedge funds will drive growth in onshore hedge funds 19 Demand for funds of hedge funds will outstrip demand for single hedge funds 19 Onshore hedge funds in Europe will grow by nearly 25% compounded annually to 2012 21 Market Context 23 The European hedge fund market is focused on institutional investors 23 Institutional participation in the hedge fund market is now entrenched 23 Asset managers must address institutional clients' demand for greater transparency 24 Mass market clients will become an increasingly important segment, especially in Germany 24 Retail investors can expect to see many new propositions as providers expand their funds of hedge funds ranges 25 Adverse economic conditions make for a more challenging marketing environment 27 A severe economic downturn in Europe is widely anticipated 27 Investors who remember the last downturn will be more cautious 28 Negative media coverage is likely to deter investors 28 Asset managers must demonstrate their expertise and stay close to their clients 30 Customers and Distribution Dynamics 31 Reaching the mass market for hedge funds 31 Mass market investors are attracted to opportunities to diversify their risk 31 But they are wary of a product class that they do not understand 31 UK mass market investors are most concerned about risk 32 Regulatory barriers limit the growth of the French mass market 33 German advisors lack the expertise to effectively market hedge funds to mass retail investors 33 Costs and competition are determining factors in Italy and Spain 33 Sustaining demand will depend on regular communications to investors 33 Overall, retail banks and IFA networks are the preferred distribution channels for mass market investors 34 Direct distribution is increasingly popular in Germany, Italy and France 35 Fund supermarkets are gaining ground in the UK and Spain 36 Action points 36 French asset managers will need to focus on client education through retail banks and their own sales teams 36 Retail banks will lead the distribution effort in Germany; but advisor training will be critical 36 Italian retail banking networks offer the best channels for educating and reassuring mass market clients 37 Spain's IFAs will need to encourage clients to diversify away from competing alternative investments 37 UK retail banks and IFAs will need to educate potential clients, pending enabling legislation 37 Reaching the high net worth market for hedge funds 38 HNW customers are driven by the search for diversification 38 Potential investors are most likely to be put off by lack of product knowledge 38 German providers need to invest most in HNW client education, while cost and liquidity issues are crucial in Italy and Spain, respectively 39 Insufficient promotion deters investors in the UK and growth among French clients is deterred by tax/regulatory issues 39 Current economic conditions call for heightened promotion and investor advisories to sustain HNW demand 40 In general, European asset managers prefer to reach HNW investors through direct sales, retail banks and IFAs 40 Italian and UK asset managers opt for distribution through retail banks 41 Spanish providers prefer IFAs and private banks 41 Action points 42 French asset managers must reinforce their internal sales forces to address the needs of wealthy clients 42 German providers need to deliver client education and investment information through wealth management partners 43 Retail banks distributing on behalf of Italian asset managers must focus on risk, protection and cost 43 IFAs and private banks provide a channel for reaching Spain's wealthy 43 UK asset managers will need to focus on getting it right internally and leveraging retail bank distribution 43 Reaching the institutional market for hedge funds 43 Institutional clients are after portfolio diversification 43 Product knowledge, costs and liquidity are the key concerns for would-be institutional investors 44 An enhanced information and portfolio review service will help to sustain confidence among institutional investors 45 Asset managers are likely to rely on direct sales and wealth managers to reach potential institutional clients 46 French providers are especially keen to eliminate intermediaries 47 But German and Italian asset managers are giving greater consideration to investment consultants 47 Action points 48 Direct efforts on the part of French asset managers must focus on investor communication 48 Increasingly, fund managers in Germany will need to court and convince investment consultants 48 Likewise, in Italy, the focus will be shifted to intermediaries 48 Spanish asset managers will maintain their focus on educating clients through internal sales teams, but will also rely increasingly on wealth managers for distribution 48 UK providers must enhance information and service delivered through internal teams and wealth managers 49 Competitors 50 Asset managers rate Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Morgan Stanley, Man Group and Barclays among the leading hedge fund providers. 50 Allianz is the leading institution for building hedge funds in France 50 Deutsche Bank is the most highly regarded hedge fund manager in Germany 51 Morgan Stanley tops the list of hedge fund managers in Italy 52 Spanish asset managers believe that MAN Group is the best at building hedge funds 53 Barclays is the best UK hedge fund provider 54 APPENDIX 55 Data 55 Definitions 74 Arbitrage 74 CAGR 74 Derivative 74 Fund of hedge funds 74 Fund supermarket 74 Hedge fund 74 HNW 74 IFA 74 Liquid assets 74 Mass affluent 75 OEICs 75 Selling short 75 Ultra HNW 75 Unit trusts 75 Methodology 75 Bibliography 76 Further reading 76 Ask the analyst 77 Datamonitor consulting 77 Disclaimer 77 List of Tables Table 1: Regulation of onshore hedge funds 7 Table 2: Onshore hedge fund AUM, 2007-2012f 22 Table 3: Number of intermediaries, 2007 30 Table 4: The growth of onshore hedge funds and mutual funds 55 Table 5: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: 'Regulatory changes aimed at improving transparency of valuations are key to increasing mass market investment in hedge funds.' 55 Table 6: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: 'Over the next year, demand for funds of hedge funds will remain strong, although there will be reduced demand for single hedge funds.' 56 Table 7: Which is your biggest customer group for hedge funds today? 2007 & 2008 56 Table 8: Which will be your biggest customer group for hedge funds in three years time? 57 Table 9: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: 'Hedge fund managers will increase the number offerings for the retail market in 2008.' 57 Table 10: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: 'There is likely to be a significant economic downturn in Europe in 2008.' 58 Table 11: To what extent do you agree with the following statement: 'Investors will be more cautious about investing over the next 2 years because of current conditions and their memory of the 2000-2003 downturn.' 59 Table 12: In your opinion, what is the most important reason why mass market investors are demanding hedge funds today? 60 Table 13: What do you think will be the major barrier to wider take-up of hedge funds by mass market investors over the next year? 61 Table 14: Facing the possibility of a global economic slowdown, which of the following strategies will be most effective in sustaining demand for alternative investments among your mass market clients or the wealth managers who advise them? 62 Table 15: What do you think is the best way for hedge funds to be distributed to mass market investors? 63 Table 16: In your opinion, what is the most important reason why high net worth investors are demanding hedge funds today? 63 Table 17: What do you think will be the major barrier to wider take-up of hedge funds by high net worth investors over the next year? 64 Table 18: Facing the possibility of a global economic slowdown, which of the following strategies will be most effective in sustaining demand for alternative investments among your high net worth clients or the wealth managers who advise them? 65 Table 19: What do you think is the best way for hedge funds to be distributed to high net worth investors? 66 Table 20: In your opinion, what is the most important reason why institutional investors are demanding hedge funds today? 66 Table 21: What do you think will be the major barrier to wider take-up of hedge funds by institutional investors over the next year? 67 Table 22: Facing the possibility of a global economic slowdown, which of the following strategies will be most effective in sustaining demand for alternative investments among your institutional clients or the wealth managers who advise them? 68 Table 23: What do you think is the best way for hedge funds to be distributed to institutional investors? 69 Table 24: In France, who are the best asset managers at building hedge funds? 69 Table 25: In Germany, who are the best asset managers at building hedge funds? 70 Table 26: In Italy, who are the best asset managers at building hedge funds? 71 Table 27: In Spain, who are the best asset managers at building hedge funds? 72 Table 28: In the UK, who are the best asset managers at building hedge funds? 73 List of Figures Figure 1: Onshore hedge fund CAGR is outstripping onshore mutual fund CAGR in Europe 11 Figure 2: The major barrier to wider take up of hedge funds by mass market investors is a lack of understanding of the product 13 Figure 3: Asset managers see regulatory changes as key to increasing mass market investment in hedge funds 14 Figure 4: Demand for funds of hedge funds will remain strong, although there will be reduced demand for single hedge funds 20 Figure 5: The onshore hedge fund market is set to grow strongly 22 Figure 6: Institutional investors now dominate the European hedge fund market 23 Figure 7: Over the next three years, there will be notable growth in mass market demand 25 Figure 8: More retail hedge fund products will be offered in 2008 26 Figure 9: Economic conditions in Europe are expected to decline in 2008 27 Figure 10: Current conditions and the memory of the last major economic slowdown will affect investor behavior 28 Figure 11: Potential hedge fund investors will be cowed by reports of financial instability 29 Figure 12: Hedge funds offer mass market investors the opportunity to diversify risk 31 Figure 13: Lack of understanding is limiting mass market demand for hedge funds 32 Figure 14: Asset managers need to emphasize the benefits of hedge fund investing and keep clients abreast of their investment strategies 34 Figure 15: Mass market investors are best targeted through retail banks and IFAs 35 Figure 16: Risk diversification is the primary driver of demand among HNW investors 38 Figure 17: For would-be HNW investors, insufficient product understanding proves to be a deterrent 39 Figure 18: Fund managers need to work harder to promote their offerings and investment strategies 40 Figure 19: Preferred distribution channels for HNWs vary among countries 42 Figure 20: Institutional investors are using hedge funds for risk diversification 44 Figure 21: Regulatory/tax barriers are an issue for French and Spanish institutional investors 45 Figure 22: Providers and distributors would do well to keep institutional clients informed about investment strategies and portfolio performance 46 Figure 23: Providers in most states opt for distribution through direct sales or wealth managers 47 Figure 24: Allianz and Societe Generale emerge as the best hedge fund managers in France 50 Figure 25: Deutsche Bank leads the market by a significant margin in Germany 51 Figure 26: Morgan Stanley leads the market in Italy, followed by Goldman Sachs 52 Figure 27: MAN Group ranks highest in Spain, but is closely followed by UBS 53 Figure 28: Barclays leads the UK market 54
To order this report:
Hedge Funds in Europe 2008 - The European Hedge fund market is going through a period of exponential growth; however the extent of the MBS crisis on the market is uncertain. This report assesses the opportunities and pitfalls for this market
http://www.reportlinker.com/p090018/Hedge-Funds-in-Europe-2008---The-Europea n-Hedge-fund-market-is-going-through-a-period-of-exponential-growth-however- the-extent-of-the-MBS-crisis-on-the-market-is-uncertain-This-report-assesses -the-opportunities-and-pitf
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