Reuters Becomes Global Sponsoring Member |
Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Author: AIMA
London 11th January 2007, AIMA, the global trade association for hedge funds
announces that Reuters has become AIMA’s sixth global sponsoring member.
Reuters, including Lipper and Lipper HedgeWorld, will initially join in
eight important financial centres; London, New York, Hong Kong, Dublin,
Singapore, Tokyo, Zurich and Toronto.
Sponsoring members are those who provide financial support in excess of
standard membership fees, to allow AIMA to increase its global activities as
well as to enhance the level of sound practices within the industry.
Commenting on the new sponsorship arrangements, Emma Mugridge, Director
said, “Reuters is a world leader in international news and financial
information, vital components in any hedge fund operation. We are pleased to
welcome Reuters as a global sponsor and to applaud their commitment to these
eight leading hedge fund centres.”
David Johnson, Global Head of Marketing, Business Divisions said, “Reuters
is committed to providing indispensable content and innovative tools to the
global alternative investment community. We are delighted to underline this
commitment through our sponsorship of AIMA. We look forward to taking an
active role in AIMA’s global initiatives to promote excellence and sound
practices within the industry”.